Princess of Swords

A “Yes” card



Astrological Influence: 

Uranus in Gemini


Upright: Courage, precision, defense, energetic 

Reversed: Moody, rude, negative, lacking confidence.


The Princess of Swords is a heady card and when it shows up in a reading it signifies that now is the time to stand up for yourself and your beliefs.

Upright Interpretation: 

This card brings in dreamy, passionate, youthful energy and encourages you to stand up for your beliefs and endeavors. This is a time of new ideas and you’re ready to defend your perspectives and projects. This can be a time of swift breakthrough if you’re mindful not to let your emotions cloud your judgment. 

Important Note: 

Mind your moodiness.

Reversed Interpretation: 

The Princess of Swords in reverse can signify negative thought patterns. Overwhelm, doubt, and negative thought patterns may be plaguing your mind at this time causing oversights and small mistakes which contribute to a lack of confidence. Take a break from your projects and deal with inner turbulence. 

Wicked Perspective:

The Princess of Swords is an energetic card. She’s ready to defend her stance because she believes deeply in her pursuits. This energy can push new ideas into manifestations when guided properly. An analytical and practical card, it’s recommended to take measured action toward your intentions at this time.