Princess of Pentacles

A “Yes” card




Upright: Discipline, practicality, ambition, determination

Reversed: Lack of motivation, split energies, laziness, unfocused


The Princess of Pentacles signifies learning abundance.


This card indicates a coming up in the world due to trusting in one’s own Source. You are learning to practice and cultivate abundance in your life by tapping into your own resources. This princess has worldly ambition and intends to see her endeavors pan out in her favor because she trusts in her journey and the energies available to her. 

Important Note: 

Focus your energies.


The Princess of Pentacles in reverse represents a foolish lifestyle. That is to say, the naive and frivolous energy of this playful card inverted can be a message of the querent living beyond their means. This may be a lazy time, in which motivation is hard to find, and preparing for the future seems like a burden. Focus your attention on what really matters in your life and follow your inner-beings signals to making it happen. You can always get back into alignment. 

Wicked Perspective:

The Princess of Pentacles is learning how to provide for herself in the earthly realm by tapping into her own energetic resources. She is strengthening her trust in Source and getting comfortable with allowing the Universe to provide for her. When this Page appears it’s a reminder to tap into your surroundings as everything we encounter is a direct result of our own vibration and therefore a direct message from our inner being. When you’re in tune with yourself and your universe you’re able to move through life with no resistance.