Nine of Swords
A “No” card
Astrological Influence:
Mars in Gemini
Numerological Significance:
Upright: Anxiety, fear, dread, mental overwhelm
Reversed: Alignment, release, acceptance, strong-will
The Nine of Swords shows self-inflicted strife and the ability to quickly resolve it.
Upright Interpretation:
This card signifies obsessive thought patterns and shows that the querent may be a victim of their own negative mind. A negative set of beliefs is weighing on you heavily and you’re taking all of your frustrations out on yourself. You’re letting your anxieties and fears overrun you. Now is the time to analyze your fears so that you can confront them and move forward.
Important Note:
You may be obsessing over one thing in order to avoid a bigger issue. Don’t hide from yourself.
Reversed Interpretation:
The Nine of Swords in reverse shows a release from negativity and self-blame. You’ve found your way back to self-love and raised your vibration which has resolved your dark thoughts. You’ve taken control over your mind and you’ve trained it to work in your favor. You’ve let go of pain and you’re allowing yourself to walk away from a situation that no longer serves you guilt-free.