Nine of Pentacles

A “Yes” card



Astrological Significance:

Venus in Virgo

Numerological Significance: 



Upright: Resourcefulness, abundance, fulfillment, comfort 

Reversed: Discretion, debts, vapid gain, dependency 


This card represents the completion and payout of something mindfully attained. 


This card assures us that while sacrifices may have been made, the efforts expended have paid off, and now is the time to enjoy the fruits of labor. You have gotten yourself to this point by relying on your own resources and now you can express gratitude for the ways you’ve provided for your experience. 

Important Note: 

This time is a reflection of where your energies have been.


When the Nine of Pentacles appears in the reversed position, it can be indicative of material dependency on another. Your stability may be insecure at this time and your debts may be high. Take this message as a signal to stand on your own two feet and regain your independence. If you’re security is not a risk this may also be a message to evaluate your gains. Make sure your efforts are being expended on the right things. 

Wicked Perspective:

The Nine of Pentacles is a card of enjoyment in the having and getting of what you’ve worked for. Whatever you’ve expended your energies on is paying off at this time and you can rest in the merriment of a job well done. This is a card of material matters and its positioning is highly indicative of how you’re doing in the physcial reality.