
Citrus limon

Wicked Overview

Lemons come from a perennial tree native to Asia, Northeast India, and China.

As you may know, lemons are extremely potent in flavor, but they can also be potent in magick as well. Lemons are great for detering negative energies, cleansing, and attracting love and friendship. You can add a splash of lemon to love potions to add longetity to any relationship.

There are many potential uses for Lemon and you will find only some of them here.

The ideas shared below are meant to awaken your own inspiration and to help you along your path.

Magickal Correspondences




Apollo, Zeus






Masculine / Day / Yang


Solar Plexus Chakra


Citrine, Honey Calcite, Amber, Yellow Jasper

Good for:

Longevity, friendship, love, purification, cleansing, immunity

Protects Against:

Negativity, spying, unwanted energies and interactions

Natural Remedies:

When diluted and applied to skin, lemons can decrease oils and promote healthier, clearer skin.

Ingesting small amounts of pure lemon juice can relieve nausea.

Consumming lemons or lemon juice can help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow, leading to better circulation.

Magickal Tips:

Lemons are great for cleaning, both in the physical and the magickal realms. Add a little lemon juice to floor wash to clean the home of stale energies.

Lemons are great for warding off unwatned energies, so you can burn lemon incense to help clear a space energetically.

Lemons can keep away nosey spirits and people when added to protection workings.

Lemon Fresh Herb

Vitamins: B6, C,

Minerals: Iron, Magnesium

Growing Notes:

Conditions: Full sun

Perennial: Lives more than two years.

Soil: Well-drained, slightly acidic soil.

Propagating: Cuttings.

Care: Prune to maintain shape.

Harvesting: Pick lemons when they are firm and yellow, with a slightly glossy appearance.

Watering: Water until soil is moist, but avoid over watering.

Plant with: Basil, rosemary, cilantro, thyme, dill, Petunias, marigolds, zinnia, daisy, sunflower, bottle brush, California clove, ice factory, lantana camara, echinacea.


When applied to the skin, lemon juice can increase the risk of sunburn.