Knight of Wands 

A “Yes” card




Upright: Ambition, bravery, action, movement

Reversed: Retreat, forceful, volatile, disengaged 


The Knight of Wands is a card of pursuit.

Upright Interpretation:

This card signifies the action taken to create movement in your life. This knight charges forward with inner trust, knowing that through his passionate efforts he will prevail. This is a brave card that challenges you to take charge and make things happen in your life. The Knight of Wands is an active participant in his own life and focused on overcoming obstacles in order to better his existence. Now is the time to believe in yourself and your power. 

Important Note: 

Be careful not to get thrown from the horse.

Reversed Interpretation:

The Knight of Wands in the reversed position signifies forceful efforts turning negative or even volatile and violent. This is a battle gone wrong. This card reversed cautions of over-confidence and impulsive or cocky behavior. Re-examine your energies and motives; you may be acting for the wrong reasons.

Wicked Perspective:

The energy of the Knight of Wands whisks you away and takes you off to other things while shaking things up. Allow Source energy in to create movement in your life. Step away from resistance and allow for swift change - don’t fight the current.