King of Pentacles 


A “Yes” card




Upright: Security, power, discipline, abundance

Reversed: Control, materialistic, corruption, obstinate 


This is a card of security and stability in the physical realm.


The King represents stable and dependable energy. This King is kind, courageous, and determined. A powerful and positive figure in his community, he is wise in the ways of the world and willing to help others achieve their goals. He is a resourceful protector and he has the discipline to get things done.  When this card appears, know that you have the ability to conquer whatever is in front of you. 

Important Note: 

The highest card in the material suit, the King of Pentacles may be challenging you to level up. 


When the King of Pentacles appears in the reversed position it could be indicative of lack in the querent’s energetic field. This may lead to feelings or actions of control and possession, stemming from a place of insecurity. Take time to reevaluate your resources and align with your Source so that you can move forward in a productive manner. 

Wicked Perspective:

This card is all about mastering your inner world and allowing it to reflect back in your outer world. The King of Pentacles represents security in your existence and serves as a reminder that you already have everything you need to succeed in your current endeavors. When in reverse, this card points to instability and asks you to center yourself so that you can move forward with confidence.