
XI - Eleven


A “Maybe” card

Element: Air

Dominant Energy: Masculine

Zodiac: Libra

Kabbalistic Letter: Lamed

Path on The Tree of Life:

Gevurah (Power) to Tipheret (Beauty)


Upright: Fairness, objectivity, truth, honesty

Reversed: Revenge, corruption, retribution, injustice


This card is a reminder that nothing and no one can hide from the third eye of Justice and that karmic energies are strong in your life at this time. 

Upright Interpretation: 

Justice will soon be served in your life. This card carries with it an energy of fairness and truth as well as a message about accountability. Now is the time for honesty with yourself and your life. 

Important Note: 

Trust in the balance of the Universe. 

Reversed Interpretation: 

Objective sight may be lost at this time. The energy of Justice may be out of balance, resulting in things being taken too far or it may be indicative of a lack of any action at all. 

Wicked Perspective:

This situation at hand will be settled with fairness. Trust in Source and practice fairness in your endeavors.