Identifying the Ego

The Importance of Iding the Ego

You can’t alchemize anything you can’t identify. I.e. Acceptance is always the first step. You need to assess a situation before you can do damage control, you have to know what you’re dealing with. You get it.

If you’re looking to advance spiritually you need to be aware of your biggest hindrance, and that’s a Wild Ego. An untamed Ego will run ramped, controlling your life with emotional reactions and limiting situations. This is an impossible garden to cultivate spirituality in. 

If the Ego exists to show us where our resistance is and therefore, where the next door to a higher state of being is, then the level of importance you find in identifying it depends on your commitment to your spirituality and your place on your path. If your intent is personal growth then you’ll benefit from learning how to recognize an Ego Flare.

If your aim is to practice magic then you need to be the master of your mind. Your manifestations will be as focused or as sloppy as your mind, it’s your call.

How to ID the Ego


It’s the resistance you feel when you’re trying to reprogram/retrain your mind or recalibrate thought patterns. It’s the voice that tells you that you (or someone else) shouldn’t or can’t be doing this or that; it’s the limiting belief system. The more you lean into your Source the more you’ll begin to recognize an ego flare because it will feel discordant to your experience. The truth is that it always does, we’ve just trained ourselves away from that signal in order to stay within our comfort zones and pacify the Ego. If you find yourself unwilling to participate in a new experience, especially one that you’ll benefit from, this is an ego block. Anytime you tell yourself that you can’t do something because of who you are (who you’re pretending to be really) you’re falling into an ego trap. If you’re about to do something really good for you, like exercise or work on your business, and you suddenly become too tired, this is an ego block.

In spirituality we talk a lot about the path of least resistance, but this is where you need to differentiate between following what feels good and following what you know because it’s comfortable. There’s a difference between the resistance we experience in co-creation and the walls that are keeping us confined in a titanium box of hindering beliefs.

Another way to identify the Ego is to stay observant of your thoughts. If you’re experiencing a lot of self-centered thinking it’s likely that the Ego is running the show and your Solar Plexus is over-active. The issue I’ve found while connecting with others on this subject is the almost romantic tone the Ego is given. Typically when discussed we highlight the lighter side of the Ego, meaning we think of egotistical people; those who are quite full of themselves. Which is true when the Ego is involved; it keeps you locked into your physical self, keeping you self centered. But with this train of thought we don’t really consider the even uglier side of the Ego that tears you down when the Solar Plexus is under-active. The Ego is the voice in your head comparing you to others (as if it’s possible to do so) and gauging where you are based off of what’s around you physically, which is only a fractal of this existence. 

Remember that the Ego reacts from an emotional state whereas The Higher-Self trusts that the energies of the Universe will bring everything into alignment. There is no pressure of time when you’re tuned into your higher-self and your ego is trained because you know that it’s all about when the vibration is right and most emotional reactions will put you at a dissonance. If you’re stuck in a low vibration assess what your ego is telling you when you think in the form of “I am”. A Wild Ego will self-deprecate in order to keep you in check. The Ego projects all of the doubts and fears we bury within the Shadow and will use this as ammunition to protect its comfort. This is why it’s important to address and heal all aspects of the self; everything is connected and the subconscious is always recording our experiences. Stay mindful of how you speak to yourself - Source is always listening.