Four of Swords

A “Maybe” card



Astrological Influence:

 Jupiter in Libra

Numerological Significance: 



Upright: Meditation, recovery, healing, planning

Reversed: Restless or burnt out. OR. Ready and able.


“Sleep on it.”

Upright Interpretation: 

The Four of Swords demonstrates rest and recovery after the pain signified in the three. Now is the time to rest, reset your vibration to a neutral point, and allow yourself some peace. This will allow you a fresh perspective on the situation which will help you in planning for the next step.

Important Note: 

Sometimes the head-on approach merely breaks skulls. 

Reversed Interpretation: 

This card in reverse could have two separate indications.

It could mean that you’re not allowing yourself the break you need and maybe pushing yourself toward burnout. Don’t overwork yourself or your mind. Take a step back and allow yourself some peace.


If you’ve been laying low for a while already this could be the time to get back out into the world and apply all of that wisdom you’ve been meditating on. 

Wicked Perspective:

The best way to get out of a vibrational state that doesn’t serve you is to reset yourself with a nap. Sometimes it’s best to remove yourself from the situation in order to get a different frame of mind before you can proceed. If things aren’t working, allow yourself to step back and take a break. Put your energies elsewhere and get your mind off of whatever is stressing you out.