Four of Pentacles
A “No” card
Astrological Significance:
Sun in Capricorn
Numerological Significance:
Upright: Conservation, stability, cautious mindset, stability
Reversed: Greed, hoarding, misuse of resources, white-knuckles
This card shows that the querent is clutching onto their resources tightly at this time.
The Four of Pentacles is a card of stability, but it can also be indicative of a greedy mindset. You’re hanging on to what you’ve earned, perhaps too tightly at this time. You are an abundant spiritual being, there’s no need to stress over the material realm - the Universe always provides.
Important Note:
Energy must flow both in and out to gain momentum.
When the Four of Pentacles appears in the reversed position it could be indicative of unhealthy spending habits. Now may be the time to exercise financial caution. If you’ve found your well is dry, now is the time to tune back into the universal energy available to us all and allow it to flow through your life unrestricted.