Four of Cups

A “No” card



Astrological Influence: 

Moon in Cancer

Numerological Significance:



Upright: Apathy, detachment, withdrawal, contemplation

Reversed: Awareness, presence, displeasure, perspective


This is a card of emotional separation.

Upright Interpretation: 

The Four of Cups signifies taking a step back from a situation in order to recover emotionally. After intense emotional upheaval, you may be removing your energy from something in order to heal and regroup. You may be viewing the situation through a new, clearer lens at this time and deciding how to proceed. This is a cautious time for you, but be mindful not to cut yourself off from your Source. 

Important Note: 

Our feelings are a direct link to how our inner being is feeling. Take time to reflect and evaluate your emotions. 

Reversed Interpretation: 

When the Four of Cups appears in reverse it signifies that you are fully present in your emotions at this time. Be they negative or positive, they are dictating your actions and behavior. Stay mindful that you’re in alignment with your Source and working toward your true intentions rather than against them.

Wicked Perspective:

The Four of Cups is an apathetic card. There are times in life when we need to withdraw to reflect, heal, contemplate, or take a break. This is human and setting boundaries is healthy, but be cautious not to let yourself become cut off from life around you or the Source of ultimate power within you. Often when we’re feeling empty we have nearly halted the flow of our energy and our ability to manifest. If we are not conscious creators in our own experience it becomes all too easy for us to succumb to more dominant vibrations around us which steer us off our path and get us lost in the woods, often leading us into a negative experience. Don’t forget that you are in control of your life and your emotions. Take a break if you need one but don’t forget that your power comes from your vibrational state of being.