Five of Swords

A “No” card



Astrological Influence: 

Venus in Aquarius

Numerological Significance: 



Upright: Resistance, defeat, failure, strife

Reversed: Betrayal, anger, misery, unwinnable pursuit


The Five of Swords usually signifies resistance to a change taking place in the querent’s life. Something in the current situation is no longer working or has come to an end and acceptance is not coming easily.

Upright Interpretation: 

This card represents the battlefield after a loss. Life brings us many battles and we can’t win all of them, but this five shows an unwillingness to accept defeat while urging you to make the necessary changes to move forward. Sometimes all we need is a new perspective to advance in a situation, or we may need to consider a different route toward our intentions before taking the next step.  

Important Note: 

Follow the path of least resistance.

Reversed Interpretation: 

You may be stuck in a dead-end cycle. The Five of Swords reversed represents an unwillingness to accept a new reality and move on. You are keeping yourself locked in your own internal crisis by refusing to let go and move forward, but you can change your stance on the matter and therefore the outcome of the situation. 

Wicked Perspective:

This card calls on you to do what’s necessary even though it may be difficult. Whatever is changing or being left behind is for the best and cannot be stopped nor can the situation be altered at this time. The best course of action here is to accept what is happening and remember that it is better to influence from a state of love and peace than one of resentment or anger. Nothing is final, but sometimes we have to get out of the way and step into alignment so that the Universe can move around the right pieces