Five of Pentacles

A “No” card



Astrological Significance:

Mercury in Taurus 

Numerological Significance: 



Upright: Spiritual bankruptcy, lack, struggle, loss

Reversed: Mindfulness, value, revaluation, small gain


The Five of Pentacles is a harsh card in nature that suggests an extreme energetic loss manifesting in the physical reality.


When this card shows up it is indicative of a lack in resources. You may have lost outside support and now you’re finding the need for self-reliance unsettling. This card is here to teach us to rely on our own resources and energy to get us through difficult times.

Important Note: 

Remember that what is has already manifested and you can change your circumstances the moment you’re ready to change your vibrational standpoint. 


The Five of Pentacles reversed tells of improving your own circumstances through mindfulness. Now is the time to take everything into account and regain stability in the areas that matter most. Attune your focus to what you really value in life and go from there. 

Wicked Perspective:

Most readers view this as an incredibly negative card, but the Five of Pentacles urges us to take matters into our own hands. If you’ve been relying on others, now is the time to establish a deep connection to your own personal resources and get your affairs in order in a way that you can depend on. This card doesn’t have to indicate a huge loss, but it reminds us that we are the most stable on our own two feet.