Eight of Wands

A “Yes” card



Astrological Influence:

 Mercury in Sagittarius

Numerological Significance: 



Upright: Alignment, movement, energy, communication, sudden change

Reversed: Directionless, resistance, chaos, blockages, stagnancy


This is a very expressive card that brings in a fiery passion for life.

Upright Interpretation: 

The appearance of the Eight of Wands is an indication that things are picking up in your life. Regardless of what you’ve done to herald in this movement, it is gaining momentum rapidly. The energies of the Universe are flowing around you in a whirlwind and you are deeply connected to your Source. Now is the time to express yourself and use this extra energy to make progress toward your greater goals.

Important Note: 

Make sure what you’re going after is in alignment with your inner being.

Reversed Interpretation: 

You may be resisting the way life is flowing around you at this time, causing feelings of stagnancy, unease, and perhaps even jealousy. Whatever negative emotions are trying to pull you down, know that you have the ability to get out ahead of them. Try not to be the blockage in your own energy. Allow yourself to break free of whatever is holding you back and know that the chaos is only temporary and will subside once you’re back in alignment. 

Wicked Perspective:

This card comes to us with news of an energetic shift. Whatever the cause, something has stirred the components of your Universe and things are happening. Your job is to mind your energy while things unfold and find a way to make the best of things no matter how they may appear at first. Most life-changing things don’t look like much at first, and this card is a reminder not to underestimate anything at first glance.