Eight of Swords

A “No” card



Astrological Influence:

 Jupiter in Gemini

Numerological Significance: 



Upright: Oppression, victim mentality, poor judgment, entanglement 

Reversed: Clarity, freedom, accountability, self-actualization 


The Eight of Swords signifies being caught up in one’s own traps but reminds us that we can be free simply by choosing to be. 

Upright Interpretation: 

The Eight of Swords signifies being stuck in an oppressive situation. You feel confined, caught up in the tangles of your life, and stuck in a place that doesn’t serve you. You’d be able to leave if only you saw the escape exits. For one reason or another, you’re keeping yourself blind to the situation before you, perhaps lacking the necessary clarity to move forward. 

Important Note: 

Tie up loose ends in your life or else they’ll create tangles.

Reversed Interpretation: 

This card in the reversed position shows the querent removing the blindfold and taking back their power. You’ve found your clarity and through it you’re able to free yourself. You’re ready to walk away and move on toward better and healthier things. If necessary seek help from trusted sources and guides at this time.

Wicked Perspective:

It isn’t often that I reference the original decks but in the Rider-Waite deck the Eight of Swords is depicted as a young woman blindfolded and bound, and standing amongst eight swords, almost as if she’s pretending to be something she’s not, completely unaware of how out of place she looks. When this card shows up in a reading it’s a pretty good indication that you’re lying to yourself about something and refusing to see the reality of the situation. A lot of readers interpret this card as the subject being trapped, but the thing about self-victimization is that there’s always a way out. You can simply stop restricting yourself with negative beliefs and move forward. As this is a very dual card, it can be helpful to take space from whatever is troubling you so that you can come back at it with a fresh perspective after some emotional disentanglement.