Eight of Pentacles
A “Yes” card
Astrological Significance:
Sun in Virgo
Numerological Significance:
Upright: Craftsmanship, talents, devotion, passions
Reversed: Boredom, disheartened, dissonance, laziness
This card signifies intensive work in the area of your passions and talents.
The Eight of Pentacles is a card of dedication to passionate craftsmanship. This is a time when you’re thriving in areas of your talents as well as expanding your interests. This is a high-vibrational time of creativity, passion, and fun. Soak up every minute of it.
Important Note:
Follow the path of your highest joy.
The Eight of Pentacles in reverse tells of disinterest in the tasks that lay before you. This may be a time of laziness and dissonance from your inner being. Find your way back to alignment before you try to push through this blockage. Life is meant to be enjoyed.