Eight of Pentacles

A “Yes” card



Astrological Significance:

Sun in Virgo

Numerological Significance: 



Upright: Craftsmanship, talents, devotion, passions

Reversed: Boredom, disheartened, dissonance, laziness 


This card signifies intensive work in the area of your passions and talents.  


The Eight of Pentacles is a card of dedication to passionate craftsmanship. This is a time when you’re thriving in areas of your talents as well as expanding your interests. This is a high-vibrational time of creativity, passion, and fun. Soak up every minute of it. 

Important Note: 

Follow the path of your highest joy. 


The Eight of Pentacles in reverse tells of disinterest in the tasks that lay before you. This may be a time of laziness and dissonance from your inner being. Find your way back to alignment before you try to push through this blockage. Life is meant to be enjoyed. 

Wicked Perspective:

This card is all about the ability to create through passion. You are in alignment with your soul’s highest purpose and your path to get there is found through your natural gifts and talents. Now is the time to express your soul-spark in your endeavors and allow your energy to carry you seamlessly into the next phase.