Eight of Cups 

A “No” card



Astrological Influence: 

Saturn in Pisces

Numerological Significance:



Upright: Walking away, letting go, abandonment, refocus

Reversed: Denial, avoidance, cowardice, fear


The Eight of Cups represents refocusing your energy on something better suited for you.

Upright Interpretation: 

Whatever has led you to this current point of your life is no longer in alignment with your highest desires. What you’ve been doing isn’t working and it’s best to reroute your energies.  Now is the time to remove yourself from the situation and put your efforts into something that will better serve you at this time. 

Important Note: 

Walking away from something that isn’t working isn’t synonymous with giving up on a goal. 

Reversed Interpretation: 

You may be facing the unknown with the decision to remove yourself from a situation or let the fear of change keep you stuck in stagnant energy. Connect with whatever blockages or resistance you’re facing and recalibrate the way you’re looking at things. This is likely an opportunity to put yourself on a better course. The great unknown brings with it endless possibilities. 

Wicked Perspective:

Nothing is permanent. Walking away doesn’t always mean the end of a situation or a connection but sometimes can call for the end of a cycle that is no longer serving you. The Eight of Cups doesn’t call for you to give up on what you desire; Source would never ask you to do that. Rather, this card is asking you to look at the way you’ve been going and see it for what it is. Typically viewed as a negative card by dual readers, the Eight of Cups is here to push you back into alignment and challenge you to let go of whatever is keeping you resistant to the flow of life. By walking away from a dead end we’re opening ourselves up to the possibilities of wide open spaces.