The Ego’s Purpose

The Ego exists for a reason, Source has implemented it as a navigational tool to guide us through our lives; It was meant to show us where the blocks in our consciousness are. Ruled by the third chakra, the Solar Plexus, the Ego acts as a mirror- wall, insisting that you cannot go any further. In the chakra system you find this mirror-wall right before the Heart chakra, demonstrating the need to step out from behind the glass ceiling the Ego creates and into love. A challenging feat at times, but nowhere near as impossible as the Ego leads us to believe in order to protect it’s fragile comfort zone. In life, you may be prompted to step out from behind your beliefs and into an open and loving state of being in order to move forward without resistance.

The Ego was never intended to rule our consciousness, but rather to show us where our resistance lies so that we can ease it and flow into love, thus ascending consciousness both for the Self and the Collective.