Ego Blocks

Self-love is so important with this process. You’ll find that the more you cultivate genuine self-love the more you will align with your Ego in a harmonious way. In order to work through an Ego Block you’re going to have to be honest with yourself about what’s happening within and around you. This will be a lot easier if you’ve done your shadow work or already have a strong sense of self, but if you’re in the habit of judging yourself harshly (a side-effect of the Wild Ego) this process will come with it’s own personalized difficulties. 

Transcending a block means shedding an old belief system; stepping away from a reality with limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. Doing this requires you to admit that the way you’ve been living isn’t working out and that alone can be enough of a deterrent for some. Others might step away once they realize how often this process requires them to admit that they were in the wrong, both to themselves and others. But if you can love and support yourself through this work you can get past these initial blocks and quicker than you might think you’ll find yourself shattering glass ceilings.

The Ego blocks us from experiencing emotion/vulnerability/new experiences, anything outside of the norm. Once we learn how to put it back in its place on the sidelines we step out from resistance and allow life to flow to us. Without the Ego in the way Source can flow through us unrestricted, and this allows all of the wonderful things in our energetic vortex to manifest into our physical reality.