Casting a Circle

Before every spell it is wise to cast a magickal circle for your protection and for energy containment until the rite is through.

There are many different ways to cast a circle and each witch does it a little bit differently than the rest, but here is the basic practice.

If you wish, you can use salt, cord, candles, or crystals to establish a physcial circle or boundary points around you.

Envision a beam of light flowing from the Universe into you and use your pointer finger, a wand, or an athame to draw a circle in a COUNTERCLOCKWISE direction around you and your working space and tools.

It is important to do this in a counter-clockwise motion because this is the act of bringing energy in. We’ll use clockwise later to send energy out.

Now that your circle is cast, you can begin your ritual in the safety of its confines.

When your rite is finished, it is important to close the circle so that you may release yourself and your energies.

To do this, cast your finger or tool back, clockwise around the circle as you envision the protective light evaporating.