Fresh Bay Leaves

Vitamins: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin K

Minerals: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, and Potassium

Growing Notes:

Conditions: Full morning sun, afternoon shade, well draining soil

Perennial: Half-hardy in zones 8 and up, container grown in hardness zones 7 and down

Propagating: Cuttings in late summer, layering; root a low growing branch in the ground

Care: 6 hours of sun for survival, only prune in late winter or early spring before new growth

Watering: Low water use, deep watering every 2-3 weeks in summer

Planting: Sage, Rosemary, Basil, Oregano, Thyme, Marjoram; summer and winter savory, or the Carrot family; Dill, Parsley, and Cilantro



Bay Leaf cannot be digested. Eating the whole, intact leaf is not suggested.

Bay Leaf

Laurus Nobilis

Wicked Overview

Bay leaves are fantastic for wishing.

They have an extremely high vibrational energy and are capable of generating good luck and good fortune.

Bay Leaves are also fantasic for binding and banishing, and they can preemptively ward off negativity.

Bay Leaves can also help with healing, especially when applied to the wound site.

There are many potential uses for Bay Leaves and you will find only some of them here.

The ideas shared below are meant to awaken you to your own inspiration and to help you along your path.

Magickal Correspondences




Zeus, Apollo







Good for:

Banishing, protection, binding, healing, wisdom, inspirtation, divination, wishing, good fortune

Protects Against:


Psychic Attacks

Natural Remedies:

Bay Leaves can manage




Digestivee Issues

Respiratory Ailments


Bay Leaf oil applied to the skin can ease muscles and joint pain and reduce inflammation at wound site.

Magickal Tips:

Dried Bay Leaves as an incense can enhace psychic powers.

Bay Leaves kept under a pillow can inspire prophetic dreams.

Carrying a Bay Leaf on your person can ward off negative energy.

A wreath of Bay Leaves hung on the front door invites abundance into the home.

Write your desire or wish on a Bay Leaf and burn it to bring about your intentions.