Ace of Swords

A “Yes” card



Numerological Significance:



Upright: Physical manifestations, spiritual growth, new beginnings, willpower

Reversed: Delay, frustration, resistance, tension


This card represents favoring the head over the heart, for better or for worse.

Upright Interpretation:

The Ace of Swords is a card of new beginnings brought about by strong will, determination, and mental clarity. This card represents manifesting thought in the physical realm and can often signify a spiritual breakthrough. This ace is logical and it encourages you to incorporate reason and analytical thought into the matter at hand. May also signify a need for self-forgiveness or fairness in the situation. 

Important Note:

This is a left-brained card and it represents all corresponding characteristics.

Reversed Interpretation:

As a positive card, when this ace shows up in the reversed position it’s likely that you are hesitant to your desires and experience frustration as a result. Take a look at where you’re putting up resistance against what you’re trying to manifest. Now may also be the time to analyze where you’ve been placing your judgments and if it’s really worth your energy to do so. 

Wicked Perspective:

The swords are connected to the masculine element of air and this particular card really calls that energy in. The Ace of Swords is a strong message to connect into your left brain as you embark on any new journeys beginning for you at this time. Life calls for balance and while our emotions are our biggest tool in controlling our vibration and therefore what we manifest, sometimes it’s better to put the head above the heart and let logic and reason guide you. This ace encourages you to trust your judgments and consider perspectives. This is a call to take control and bring about your desires.