Ace of Pentacles

A “Yes” card



Numerological Significance: 



Upright: Abundance, physical manifestation, success, grounded

Reversed: Lack, resistance, impatience, instability


This card represents manifestation in the physical dimension.


The Ace of Pentacles represents manifestations in the physical dimension. You’re in alignment with your Source at this time and the results are showing up abundantly in the reality around you. Enjoy this time and know that it was your hard work and focused energies that brought you to this point. 

Important Note: 

Trust in your power.


The Ace of Pentacles in the reversed position signifies a lack of stability in the manifestation at hand. Take care to lay a solid foundation and trust that your intentions will unfold once you access the correct vibration on the matter.

Wicked Perspective:

The physical realm is the last dimension in which thought, emotion, and energy manifest. The 3D is a dense reality and it takes focus on the correct energy to phase something into this reality from another realm. When the Ace of Pentacles shows up it signifies that you are in your power. You are consciously manifesting new things and the work you’ve put in is about to pay off.