Ace of Cups
A “Yes” card
Numerological Significance:
Upright: Love, abundance, release, fertility
Reversed: Disconnection, delays, obstacles, bareness
This is a card of self-love.
Upright Interpretation:
The Ace of Cups represents abundant love and emotional truths. You may have been given a new perspective on a situation regarding a one-on-one relationship either with yourself or another. This ace represents emotional control and healthy boundaries, a deep sense of self that comes from a strong foundation of love and respect for your inner being.
Important Note:
Pour from your own cup, but don’t forget to fill it too.
Reversed Interpretation:
When reversed this ace can hint at narcissism or selfishness, which at times can be necessary in order to proceed safely on your journey. You may not have the means to give to others at this time and should focus on cultivating your relationship with yourself and your inner world.